One-on-one Birth Support with A Certified Doula


I’m so thrilled to have you here! I’m a Birth Doula ready to support you in having your best birth. I can’t wait to help you through this exciting, powerful, and vulnerable time.

Emma Pence
Certified Birth Doula &
Pediatric Sleep Consultant

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Get In Touch!

I am here to support you in achieving your vision of the best birth for you.

I believe birth is a natural, intimate, and normal process, but it is also a wildcard.

The road map often changes. I strongly believe having extra prenatal preparation and birth support is worth it. It can be really helpful to have a doula during a long first-time labor for emotional and informational support; for subsequent births to talk through birth trauma and to have extra support as you prepare for this new birth; to be an extra voice and pair of eyes, ears, and hands in the birth room; to show your birth partner how to be more involved in the birth; and simply to have another person on your team. 

 I provide doula care at natural births, inductions, and c-sections. 

- Jennifer Mason Photography

Your care will be personalized to you.

I’ll get to know you and your desires for your pregnancy and birth at our prenatal appointments. Together, we will  talk about the birth process, design a birth plan, and discuss how you want me to support you at your birth. During the birth I’ll provide non-medial physical comfort, advice on positional changes to aid labor, emotional support, and assist you throughout labor in the ways you want me to. Please see About Our Care for more details.

Statistically, as a birth doula, I’ll lessen your chances for unnecessary interventions  and improve your satisfaction with your birth. Women supported continuously by a doula during labor are 28% less likely to have a c-section, 31% less likely to use Pitocin or synthetic oxytocin to speed labor, 9% less likely to use medication for pain, and 34% less likely to to experience their labor in a negative way. You can explore this more in my “resources” section. 

Ultimately, I’m here to support you and accompany you during this intimate journey. I would love to provide care for you and your partner (if applicable) during this immensely important time in your life! This is a time for dreaming, and thinking realistically about your needs. It is a time of decision making and preparing for a great transition. I’ll be here to help you before, during, and immediately after the birth of your baby. It is all on your terms and according to your needs and preferences. 

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